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以下是一个实现全场满200减50优惠活动的Python程序: python # 获取用户输入的商品价格(空格分隔) prices_input = input("请输入商品价格(用空格分隔):") # 将输入转换为浮点数列表 prices = [float(price) for price in prices_input.split()] # 计算总金额 total_amount = sum(prices) # 应用满减优惠 if total_amount >= 200: final_amount = total_amount - 50 else: final_amount = total_amount # 输出结果(保留两位小数) print(f"商品总金额:{total_amount:.2f}元") print(f"优惠后金额:{final_amount:.2f}元") ### 运行示例: 请输入商品价格(用空格分隔):120 95 78 商品总金额:293.00元 优惠后金额:243.00元 请输入商品价格(用空格分隔):88 99 商品总金额:187.00元 优惠后金额:187.00元 ### 程序说明: 1. 接受用户输入的商品价格(支持多个商品价格输入) 2. 计算商品总金额 3. 判断是否符合满减条件: - 总金额 ≥ 200元:减免50元 - 总金额 < 200元:保持原价 4. 输出格式化的金额结果(保留两位小数) ### 注意事项: - 支持输入任意数量的商品价格 - 自动处理小数点金额 - 金额显示保留两位小数 - 满减条件为累计金额(单次购物车总金额)
```python def calculate_discounted_price(total_amount): """ Calculate the discounted price based on the total amount spent. If the total amount is greater than or equal to 200, a discount of 50 is applied. Parameters: total_amount (float): The total amount spent by the customer. Returns: float: The final amount after applying the discount if applicable. """ if total_amount >= 200: discount = 50 discounted_price = total_amount - discount else: discounted_price = total_amount return discounted_price # Example usage: total_spent = 250 final_price = calculate_discounted_price(total_spent) print(f"The final price after discount is: ${final_price}") ```
```python # 获取用户输入的消费金额 a = int(input(