C++ comment statements are used to add explanatory notes or disable specific lines of code. They help developers understand the code better and are not executed by the compiler. The two types of comments in C++ are single-line comments and multi-line comments.
In C++, comments are text that is not executed by the compiler. They are used to add explanations or notes to the code, which can help developers understand the purpose of the code better. There are two types of comments in C++:
1. Single-line comments: Any text following a double forward slash (//) on the same line is considered a single-line comment. Everything after the // is ignored by the compiler until the end of the line.
2. Multi-line comments: Text enclosed between a forward slash followed by an asterisk (/*) and an asterisk followed by a forward slash (*/) is treated as a multi-line comment. This type of comment can span multiple lines, and the compiler will ignore all text within this block.